This blog is dedicated to describe normal accounting Public : auditing practices
Corporate Fraud again- Stanford Fraud case
Stanford financial group has allegedly offerred US$8bilion worth of certificates of deposits that promised unreasonably high interest rate. CAS Hewlett, Antigua-based accountancy firm is the auditor. Unfortunately, the where-about of the chief executive is unknown.
CAS Hewlett gave unqualified audit opinion to the statutory account of Stanford.
Nevertheless, what regulators concern are the representation of the bank, as quoted below:
'The defendants have misrepresented to CD purchasers that their deposits are safe, falsely claiming that the bank re-invests client funds primarily in 'liquid' financial instruments (the portfolio); monitors the portfolio through a team of 20-plus analysts; and is subject to yearly audits by Antiguan regulators.'
#70- Objective of IAS 36- Impairment of Assets
IAS 36 is considered extremely for financial statement users. Let's illustrate a scenario where no Company does not apply IAS 36 appropriately.
Company ABC have recorded a few machineries in its accounting books for the year ended 31 Dec 2008. However, due to excessive usage of the machineries & improper maintenance, the machineries are at the end of its life cycle with approximately nil value. Company ABC is going to scrap off the machineries in one month time. However, in the book, the Machineries have a net book value of US$1million.
A few investors are in the process of taking over Company ABC. While reviewing the Company ABC's financial statement, they are more than happy to find out that the Company has US$1million worth of machineries on hand. As such, they are willing to pay another US$1million on top of the initial offer price!
If IAS 36 has been applied appropriately, the Company should have impaired the Machineries to its recoverable amount. Investors would not have paid another US$1mil for the end-of-life machineries. Hence, it is important to carry out proper impairment testing for significant assets on the Company's books.
From Boring Accountant to Dynamic Accounting Artist
The accountant is widely considered to be a human computer without a personality. They often the target of vicious jokes in publications, e-mails and discussions. Accounting students at colleges are for the most part considered a “nerdy class”.
Many people consider a career in accounting , for the financial rewards, not the career itself.
The rigorous studying and training could have something to do with this “boring” perception. But also the conservative clubs and societies that accountants are compelled to belong to. A host of laws governing the profession removes the accountant at times, from reality.
After the collusion in fraud at Enron, WorldCom and other corporate failures, the word “crook”, also comes to mind. So the accountant might be sought after for his number crunching and tax skills. But in the minds of most people, businesses and the man on the street, alike, they are not respected.
Accounting degrees vary, but very few of them include proper communication skills in their courses. A common critique of accountants is that they cannot convey the highly technical accounting information to the laymen. The users of accounting information incur high fees to make critical decisions about their businesses and organizations.
A stiff culture permeates many accounting firms, regimented by practice rules, accounting standards and even government ordinances. Accountants complain about “compliance” issues, but are oblivious to the fact that their inputs, at tax workshops, contributed to all these laws, which they claim to detest.
Some salient points need to be addressed beyond the funny nerdy images of accountants.
They are:
· Greed, very high fees for a simple report or short consultation.
· Lack of communication skills (common perception)
· Critical of fellow professionals
· Low quality work (for high fees)
With so many clients at some firms, accountants are pushing through poorly prepared financial reports. This also ties into the greed, raking in as much hours/fees as possible. No wonder, accountants are seen as the scum of the earth.
The Accounting Artist: An artist loves what he does, whether he gets paid or not. If the accountant views every report or assignment as a “work of art”, that requires diligent time and attention. Or better still, he sees his assignment, as a creative process, fewer reports would be returned for correction or clarification.
By creating professional files for every client, and preparing “working papers” for every assignment, not- just- audits, the accountant will enjoy his assignments more.
Building blocks and safeguards are also put in place, since every relevant detail, from the clients phone number to his banks statement are placed on file. Lead schedules connecting information to accounts are clearly referenced. After all the notes are concluded, a financial statement, cash flow forecast or business plan is produced. Just like a Picasso produced a painting. Accountants should shy away from auditing/ working paper software. Retain the manual process. Painters don’t use software. Other software tools such as spreadsheets, is imperative. But accountants rush through some reports, (using auditing software) after years of repeating the cycle; they get bored, and also become boring in the process.
Fewer, but high profile assignments can be taken on. A client would not hesitate to pay a higher fee, for a quality report.
The accounting artist using all the tools at his disposal , will not produce fraudulent financial statements.
About the Author:
Sean Goss
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Careers and Prospects in Accounting and Finance
Do you enjoy the challenge of working with numbers on a daily basis? Then an accounting finance career is right for you. With the tools that were taught in school, you will be able to help a company or a business run efficiently.
What is a CPA - CPA is the statutory title of qualified accountants who have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and have met additional state education and experience requirements for certification as a CPA.
Primary Function of a CPA - CPA can attest to the validity of financial information. This means that they can audit financial statements and report on whether they are accurate or not. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) are licensed by law.A CPA attest to the reasonableness of disclosures, the freedom from material misstatement, and the adherence to the applicable generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in financial statements.
Career Opportunities in Accounting and Finance - Career opportunities in accounting and finance are endless. You can earn a degree in accounting and become a general accountant, but this is just one of the options you can follow. Some of things that you can get into include actuaries, auditing, banking, chartered accounting, corporate finance, corporate recovery, stock broking and taxation management. There are also specialist areas you can pursue, such as auditing, management policy and taxation.
If you have either a CPA or CA license with you, it is possible for you to work for a large firm that has offices both here and abroad. Given that every company needs ones, it will not be that hard to find a job.
Career Prospects - One report shows that employments prospects for these professionals is quite high over the past 5 years and this is expected to continue until after 2010. You will also be handsomely rewarded with a good salary but long hours come with the territory especially when companies and individuals have to file their income taxes and towards the end of the financial year.
Average Annual Income - Just to give you an idea, newly grades who work in banks earn an average of $35,000 to $50,000 annually, while financial managers earn almost double that amount. Professionals who soon become partners for the bigger firms earn more than $100,000.
Career Development - In order for you to get a higher position, you will also need to go back to school. Most financial experts pursue an MBA after a few years in the corporate world. While some return to their employers, others apply elsewhere.
Before you can see yourself up there, you have to work from the bottom going up. While some decide to make it big in Wall Street, you too can also succeed wherever you decide to apply.
Market Research - The first thing to do is conduct some research. This will make you understand how things work and how news in business affects the industry, the country and the world as a whole.
Networking -If you want to get the job, aside from being knowledgeable, you need to have connections that are already there so you are given the position instead of someone else. This means building your network from school and then using it to your advantage. Associating yourself with those who have done well may give you pointers so you too can be just as successful as them.
Start Early - But you shouldn't wait until graduate before you start looking at the various career opportunities in accounting and finance. The best way to get your foot in the door is to apply for a summer position or an internship because most companies hire those who have worked with them for a short period of time compared to those that sent in their resumes. Believe me; you already have an edge right there as you already have an idea about the internal workings of the company.
Prepare Your Resume - Just in case the company you worked for does not have an opening right now, you should prepare your resume and yourself for interviews with other companies that do similar activities with what you used to do during your internship.
The average professional who works in either accounting or finance leaves after 2 years. They may apply for reassignment to another department or find employment doing something else. When this happens, there are job openings around for fresh graduates as well as those who already have experience in this industry.
Indeed, there are career opportunities in accounting and finance. You just have to build your network and get it.
About the Author:
Paul Hata is active in various social and community programs aimed at providing equal access to education,health and jobs to all.Paul has over 10 years experience in managing a multi-million dollar advertising company.Paul can be reached at -
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#69- Implication of Credit Crunch on Money Market Fund
However, the classifications above need to be challenge. We need to re-consider if the money market funds in current climate continue to meet the criteria of classified as cash & cash equivalence, by considering the following factors:
- short term
- hihgly liquid
- readily convertible