Many sellers allow the buyers to pay for the product or service both in terms of full payment or partial payment. They make the buyers to pay in installments ie partial payment when he cannot pay the full amount. Partial payment is nothing but the payment that is less than the due amount.
Numia, the online accounting software provides a simple way to record partial payments from your customers. The steps involved in recording partial payments are
• Select Customer -> Receive Payments.
• Choose the customer from which the partial payment is received.
• Select the Payment mode from either cash, cheque or credit card.
• To deposit the payment amount to any of the bank, choose the bank in the “Deposit the amount to field”
• To keep the "Cash In Hand", don't select any option.
• If you want to keep the cash in a fund to deposit later, select Group with Undeposited Funds.
• Choose the invoice for which you have received the partial payment.
• Enter the partial amount paid in the Amount Paid field.
• Click Submit to record partial payment from the customer.
Now, in Numia, you can easily edit, delete the partial and full payments on customer and vendor transactions and do a complete edit / delete of any reconciled / un-reconciled transactions. This can be done by selecting “Reports -> Transaction List”. In the transaction list, just select the transaction to which change has to be done. You will be redirected to the form. Now you can edit and after clicking “Save changes”, your changes has been saved. Numia will automatically add to the credit if you change the amount. You can also delete the transaction by clicking “Delete”.