Business networking commandments

Networking is a major prospecting tool for most of the business people. It establishes the relationship with other business people and the customers. With the business networking you can use to grow your business and the revenue. Business networking is all about building relationships, finding the people having common ideology.
Business networking helps you to meet the people and get to know about them in determining whether they are good referral partners or clients. You spend most of your time and effort on people who can help each other in your business. When the process is done properly it can truly make a difference in building a wealth of resources and the amount of business your company generates in a successful manner. If it is done incorrectly, it would actually harm your business.
In order to gain the most out of business networking, use the following commandments:
1. Always have the business networking tools with you all times, like business cards, brochures, pamphlets that tell about your business, an informative name badge and a pocket-sized business card file containing cards of other professionals whom you can refer.
2. Identify your goal to meet the number of people, as people have to trust you before they will do business with you and make sure you get all their cards. It’s an important aspect to get the business card of everyone whom you meet. This sets the stage for networking to happen. Write notes on the backs of business cards that you collect, it might be useful in remembering a person more clearly. Don’t give your business card to everyone you meet. Rather, give it to anyone who asks you for it.
3. Be a host to do things for others and help to greet people, since a guest sits back and relaxes. If you see visitors sitting, introduce yourself and ask if they would like to meet others.
4. Pay attention to the events and conversations, so that you’ll be able to learn a lot about the people in your network. Be specific and brief, before you are to say something in your discussion and make sure how you want others to know you.
5. Always try not to close a deal as networking is about developing relationships with other professionals. Meeting people at events should be the beginning of that process, not the end of it.
6. Be prepared to give the list of referrals whenever possible. If you are unable to give someone a bona fide referral, try to offer some other information that might be of interest to them (about the incoming event). Have a specific list of referral needs. The more specific you are about, then you would be able to receive more referrals.

7. Time management is an essential factor to be considered. When you delay in sending a message to your fellow groups, indirectly you specify them that you only care about yourself and you don’t take the time to learn about their needs. Be careful in spending too much of time with any one person, as your goal is to meet a given number of people. Always try to have direct contact with that person, so that he would gain confidence on your small business.
Follow the above commandments effectively to develop relationships with people who we can help and who can help us. Also be sure to fulfill any promises which you have made. Make most of your time to spend on business networking.